About Us
We are about supporting and enhancing our shared resources as a foundation for building a new earth society.
Our Mission and Values
Rising Resources is designed to be a hub or resource of information and ideas gathered from collaborations with individuals and organizations whose purpose is to promote and support the building of a new earth society that embraces a new way of doing and being for the highest good of all.
We believe that the collective consciousness of humanity is rising and beginning to think in new and higher ways.
We believe the world is moving toward becoming a more enlightened global society where individuals and groups are striving for personal growth and self-awareness.
We believe there is growing emphasis on empathy and understanding, and an acknowledgement there is a purpose and place for every living being.
We believe there is an increasing call for social justice and equality in the services administered by local and national governments, institutions, businesses, and organizations.
We believe that when we collaborate and cooperate as a community, we can co-create new services and systems that benefit the earth and all of humanity.
We believe that maximizing our collective gifts, talents, and visions will enable us to develop new systems and services with the intent of functioning for the highest good of all.
We believe that like the eagle that soars high in the sky we, too, are rising. And as we rise, we create new paradigms based on enlightened perspectives, ancient knowledge, and new understandings.
Our Story
Jeanne Gasparini
Founder, RisingResources.org
Ms. Gasparini grew up in the Northeastern United States with her parents
and four siblings. In addition to classical music, her academic studies
included history, government, and journalism; she has a B.A. in
humanities/journalism. The focus of her professional career has been
Personnel Administration in both corporate and government environments.
Following the death of her husband in 2016, Ms. Gasparini embarked on
what became a six-year journey searching for inner peace, harmony, and
In 2022, Ms. Gasparini spent three months living in Portugal by the sea in what
she refers to as her self-styled spiritual retreat. The following year she returned
to Portugal and in December 2023 received a download of information and a
vision to focus on our shared resources to form a foundation for the development
of a new earth society. It is from this experience that Rising Resources
was developed.
Jeanne Gasparini
Founder, RisingResources.org
“I envision this website expanding to include unlimited aspects of preparing for and building new systems and services drawing from a collective consciousness of committed individuals. It will address both individual and organizational responsibility, planning, and growth. We each have a role to play in designing a healthy and just environment, co-creating with nature.”